FGL - Foodie Group Limited
FGL stands for Foodie Group Limited
Here you will find, what does FGL stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Foodie Group Limited? Foodie Group Limited can be abbreviated as FGL What does FGL stand for? FGL stands for Foodie Group Limited. What does Foodie Group Limited mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Wong Chuk Hang, Southern.
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Alternative definitions of FGL
- Fox Glacier, New Zealand
- Florida Georgia Line
- Fourth Generation Language
- Florida-Georgia Line
- Forzani Group Ltd. (The)
- Fidelity and Guaranty Life
- Foundation for Global Leadership
- Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini
View 81 other definitions of FGL on the main acronym page
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- FHC Four Health Communications
- FMEL FM Environmental Limited
- FFC Fauna Foods Corp.
- FTL Fundamental Technologies Ltd.
- FDC Fogo Data Centers
- FCHL Full Circle Home LLC
- FHS Fortified Health Security
- FSFW Foundation for a Smoke-Free World
- FSCU Family Security Credit Union
- FLG Ford Lincoln Gabriel
- FII Frontline Industries Inc.
- FUC The Fucked-Up Crew
- FSLM Five Seasons Landscape Mgmt.
- FRHC Farm and Ranch Health Care